Neuro Surgery OP will not be available on 04.04.2025


General Hospital Ernakulum is always committed to provide excellent quality of services for the public. The department aims to improve the quality of care and patient safety in the Hospital. It formulates policies and procedures to ensure the safety of patients and the quality of care. Implementation of the Quality Assurance System helps to integrate all these disparate functions in the Hospital to give the best quality of service to the customers of the Hospital – the Patients.



It is the first hospital under Kerala Health Service to get the prestigious NABH Accreditation in the year 2011 January. The hospital again got NABH Reaccreditation in 2014 and in 2017 and is a testimony to the quality standards set by this government hospital.


General Hospital Ernakulum is the first Hospital to get the NQAS Accreditation in the state. The Hospital is NQAS Accredited in the year in 2018 and Reaccredited in 2021.

National Quality Assurance Standards have been developed keeping in the specific requirements for public health facilities. The National Quality Assurance Standards are broadly arranged under 8 “Areas of Concern”– Service Provision, Patient Rights, Inputs, Support Services, Clinical Care, Infection Control, Quality Management and Outcome.


General Hospital Ernakulam is Laqshya Accredited in 2019.

LaQshya is an initiative to improve the Quality of Care (QoC) in the Labour Rooms (LRs), Operation Theatres (OTs) and other mother and child service areas in public health facilities across the country. LaQshya brings together Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Improvement (QI) approaches and strives to provide a better experience of care to the beneficiaries by integrating the concept of respectful maternity and newborn care.


General Hospital Ernakulam is the first hospital which won  the prestigious National level ‘Kayakalp’ Award with prize money of Rs.50 Lakhs in 2016 and in 2022.Ministry of Health And Family Welfare, Government of India, has launched launched a National Initiative (KAYAKALP) to give Awards to those public health facilities that demonstrate high levels of cleanliness, hygiene and infection control.

  • MBFHI CERTIFICATION( Mother- Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative)

The Hospital has received Mother and Baby Friendly Hospital certification from the state government. We are the first government hospital in  Ernakulam to get this. 130 parameters are assessed. The process involves training staff, health care workers, mothers, and relatives regarding optimal newborn care. The Hon. Minister for Health, Smt. Veena George, presented us with the certification as part of the Breastfeeding Week celebration.


  • SKOCH Order of Merit Award 2018
  • Award from Pollution Control Board from 2011 to 2017.
  • National Safety Council Award in 2016 and 2017
  • FICCI AWARD 2012 for Operational Excellence in the Public Sector (National Level).
  • Best Hospital Award from NHM in 2012.