OP Registration

Four counters are available for OP Registration

  1. Super Specialty Block –>Ground Floor –>Reception Counter
  2. Old OP Block –>Ground Floor –>OP Counter
  3. OP Counter –>Ground Floor –>Administrative office (Only for staff and Physiotherapy Patients)
  4. Cancer Block –> Reception counter –>Only for Oncology patients

Registration Time: 7.30 am – 01.00 pm (Two counter from 5.00 AM at OP Block)

Evening O.P (General O.P Only ) : 1.00 pm – 6.00 pm

Guidelines for OP Registration

  1. The patients need to take OP ticket from any of the OP reception counters. New patients needs to take new OP ticket from the OP counter
  2. The registration counter staff will enter the details provided by the patient which includes Mobile number, Patient Name, Age, Gender etc.
  3. A new OP ticket with a UHID number will be generated from eHealth software.
  4. The patient needs to pay Rs.2/- for new OP ticket
  5. The Revisit patients with OP ticket in hand needs to take visit date’s token number from the reception counter , seal and token number with date will be marked in the OP ticket.  
  6. When the registration process is completed, the patient waits in front of the concerned OP room for his token number to be displayed on token display.
  7. For any corrections/updations in the Name, Age , Sex, Address etc in the OP/IP slip please visit Medical Records Department located in the first floor of Administrative Office.


Guidelines for Advance Booking

  • After  completing consultation it is now possible to take advance appointment from hospital for the next visit.
  •  Visit reception counter and show your OP ticket and tell them the next appointment date
  • Depending upon the availability of token, advance OP ticket will be get from reception counter
  • Visit on the appointment taken date  in the OP directly without waiting in the long queue.

Guidelines for Online Booking

  • UHID number is Unique Hospital Identification Number and it can be temporary or permanent.
  • Temporary UHID starts with ‘T’ and Permanent  UHID shall begin with hospital code and not with ‘T’.
  • For Permanent UHID registration Aadhaar card or Aadhaar number with aadhaar linked mobile is mandatory.
  •  It is possible to take permanent UHID number and UHID card from the hospital itself.
  • One benefit of Permanent UHID card is patient can take online appointment directly from home itself.

Steps for taking online appointment

Open the website https://ehealth.kerala.gov.in

If you don’t have a permanent UHID you can follow the below given Steps for registering with eHealth.   Click Register

  • Type Aadhaar Number
  • Click I agree  —>proceed
  • You will get an OTP in the aadhaar linked Mobile,Type OTP and click verify.
  • You will get a new 16 digit Permanent UHID number and password will get in SMS.
  • You can use this UHID number and password for  booking appointment online.

How to take online appointment?

  1. Login with your User name and Password
  2. Click on New Appointment and click Proceed
  3. Select the department from the Drop Down List and Click Proceed
  4. Select Date,give income and Click Check Availability
  5. While you select date available token will display in the screen.
  6. Select required token and Click Book Appointment
  7. You will also get an SMS with booking details

What to do if you Forgot Password?

Go to Home Page/ www.ehealth.kerala.gov.in

  1. Type UHID  Click  “forgot”
  2. Type UHID, Aadhaar, Mobile No
  3. Click  Reset password     
  4. You will receive an SMS from ehealth containing password.
  5. You can now create a new password using the password received via SMS

Password policy

Create new password(must include one Uppercase letter (A,B,C…) , one digit (1,2,3…) and one  special character (@,#,$….)

Print out of the OP ticket will be available from hospital.

Patient Registration & Advance Booking