Central Sterile Services Department (CSSD)
It is an indispensable department in a multi-specialty hospital.CSSD is a department where under no circumstances the patient or the person accompanying the patient to the hospital can even peek Chances of seeing it.
A department that cleans and disinfects anything that can be reused, such as surgical instruments, dental handpieces, and other equipment used on patients. Once through this department, all dirt and germs are destroyed and the surgical instruments are fresh and ready for the next patient. This is where surgical instruments, parts of medical equipment and some disposable items are delivered for sterilization. CSSD is of great importance in a large hospital like GH Ernakulum. Suppose the operation takes place in five or six theaters one after the other. For each case there will be a set of surgical instruments which, if used on one patient, cannot be used on the next without being sterilized. Although supplies arrive here from all departments of the hospital, the majority of equipment brought to the CSSD comes from the operation theatre. That is why it is found next to the theater in most well-designed large hospitals. CSSD department located on the 7thfloor of Super Specialty Block very near to operation theatre which is at 6th floor. There is also be separate corridors to bring items here for cleaning and to take the cleaned items back to the theatre. These are called unsterile corridor and sterile corridor respectively.
Structural Features:
Department working in at least three rooms, the first room is called dirty area, the second room is called packing area and the last room is called sterile area. In each of these the room pressure was maintained separately. Negative pressure in first, medium level positive pressure in packing room, positive pressure in sterile room.One cannot go directly from the first room to the second, but the things brought for cleaning have their own paths to travel.Each room has the necessary machines in their respective places. For example, in the dirty area, it is important to have the equipment to thoroughly wash and clean all items. A washing sink, high pressure air cleaner, high pressure water jet cleaner and ultrasonic cleaner are the main ones. There is no wall to separate between the dirty area and the second room, the packing area, rather one, two or more washing machines (washer disinfector) are arranged to separate the rooms. The items are washed manually and then loaded from the dirty room. After the washing process, which takes about an hour, it is possible to take these items to the packing room.only the door there is opened by this machine.All germs will die.This is what the Auticlave (sterilizer) does. A pressure cooker does pretty much the same thing. The steam required for this is generated by this machine itself. Water and other things for that have been brought to it. In addition to this steam sterilizer, there is also a plasma sterilizer in CSSD. It is used to sterilize the things that melt when heated too much.