Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics Department

Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics department of Ernakulum General Hospital is Kerala’s first government Hospital to provide food free of cost to all the inpatients as per the diet specification and will cater to all inpatients without any difference to APL and BPL families.

The purpose of dietary kitchen to provide high quality, nourishing and attractive meals which will meet the nutritional needs of patients. The department is managed by Hospital Development Society under the chairmanship of the District Collector.


  1. Nutritional assessment for all the inpatients.
  2. To have a proper food distribution system in the hospitals.
  3. The need of therapeutic kitchen to cater to the need of the patients on special diets.
  4. Nutrition education program to patients and families for the promotion of health and prevention of diseases.
  5. To document data for  the nutritional care of the patient and nutritional care plant for the patient.
  6. To maintain a state of positive health and prevent chronic degenerative diseases.
  7. To ensure adequate nutrition for all age group to provide medical intervention and to provide safely prepared food and advice attractive nutrition for patients.


  • All inpatients are screened for possible nutritional risk within 24 hours of admission.
  • Nutrition counseling diet advice is given at the bed side for patients.
  • A follow up assessment will be completed weekly.
  • The Nutritionist or Dietitian is responsible for the nutritional aspects of the patient care to assure adequate and appropriate nutritional care to all the patents.
  • The dietitian has an outpatient clinic on all working days form Monday to Saturday 9am to 1pm.
  • Patients who need or desire nutritional follow up after hospital admission will be seen as outpatient.
  • Diet sheets are given after the consultation.


  1. Normal diet
  2. Soft diet
  3. Semi solid diet
  4. Liquid diet
  5. Ryles tube diet
  6. Diabetic diet
  7. High protein diet
  8. Low salt diet
  9. Salt restricted diet
  10. Protein restricted low salt diet
  11. Fat free low salt diet.


Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics department of the hospital cater to the needs of all admitted patients by providing four major  including breakfast, Lunch, Evening tea and Dinner in the best possible hygienic conditions. The food distribution to the special diets and tube feeding is under direct control of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics department supervised by the Nutritionist or Dietitian.


  • Patient and families are educated on diet
  • Patient receives food according to the clinical needs like Diabetic, Cardiovascular, Renal and various therapeutic needs.
  • The tube feeding patients are taken care without any malnourishment.
  • The dietary services have direct effect on patients care of our hospital.

Dr. Elizabeth
Dept. of Clinical, Nutrition and Dietetics

Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics Department