Neuro Surgery OP will not be available on 04.04.2025

Obstetrics & Gynaecology Department

To provide a comprehensive care for pregnant women from antenatal to postnatal period and also address the needs of the new born. It includes reduction of maternal, neonatal, infant mortality.

Scope of Services

  • Antenatal Care including Management of High Risk Pregnancies
  • Antenatal clinics in every OPD and cases referred from level 1 institution.
  • 24X7 services for normal & Emergency Obstetric Care & Newborn care
  •  High risk obstetric management
  • Round the clock availability of gynecologist
  • HDU facility for immediate post op and high risk case
  • Permanent and interval sterilization including  laparoscopic sterilization and NSV
  • Free USG and laboratory investigation for all antenatal cases
  • Availability of dietician and health education classes for antenatal cases
  • Labour room -Four  Labour cots, experienced staff, and gynaecologist to conduct delivery and neonatal care
  • Milk bank Available for those willing to donate milk
  • Emergency Care of Sick Newborn
  • Family Planning Services
  • Free transportation for mother and baby on discharge and in case of reference to higher centre


  • Ensure privacy of the woman in labour
  • Avoid Performing harmful practices
  • Provide complete information about the care provided to the patient
  • Take informed consent
  • Allow choice of position for birth
  • Avoid Verbal abuse (insult, intimidation, threats, coercion)
  • Provide choice of companion
  • Provide continuous support during delivery and avoid abandonment of care (i.e. leaving the woman alone or unattended)
  • Ensure confidentiality of the patient
  • Allow drink and food during labor
  • Provide liberty of movement during labor(e.g., walking, moving around)
  • Avoid discrimination based on ethnicity, race, or economic status, including denial of admission due to illegal immigration status
  • Keep PW and baby together 24 hours a day. Avoid unnecessary separation of PW and newborn after the birth
  • Prevention of institutional violence against women and babies, including disrespectful. Avoid Physical abuse (slapping/hitting)
  • Depriving the woman of services in the facility due to lack of payment demanded for it
  • Avoidance of the overuse of drugs and technology (such as oxytocin augmentation, episiotomy, cesarean section, incubation, sonograms)
  • Skin- to-skin contact of the newborn with the PW immediately after the birth for at least the first hour
  • Promoting breastfeeding on demand
  • Evidence based care that enhances & optimizes the normal processes of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum
  • Other

Our Dedicated Doctor's Team

Dr.Prathibha C
             Dr.Sera Oommen
             Dr.Lajitha N
Dr.Pinky M S
Dr.Nazrin Ansari
Dr.Cicily Cidya Richard
Dr.Sruthi S
Dr.Nasna Majeed